If you dream of walking into an immaculate home without taking the time or effort, Splendid Maids is ready to help. With our standard cleaning service, we provide you with an outstanding cleaning job at an affordable price. Our dedicated cleaners are true professionals and make sure your home is transformed into a spotless place. They systematically review the space, develop a strategy to perform the job and waste no time in removing dirt, sanitizing, vacuuming, and cleaning areas that never receive attention.

Standard Cleaning
Our standard cleanings include the following below.
- Wash and sanitize toilet, shower/bath, and sink(s)
- Wipe door handle and light switches
- Wipe mirrors and glass fixtures
- Dust and wipe reachable surfaces
- Take out trash
- Clean floors
- Wash and sanitize sink(s)
- Clean inside microwave and toaster
- Clean countertops
- Wipe exterior of cabinets and appliances
- Wipe door handle and light switches
- Wipe mirrors and glass fixtures
- Dust and wipe reachable surfaces
- Take out trash
- Clean floors
Bedrooms and Common Areas
- Make bed(s) / Change sheets (if provided)
- Wipe door handle and light switches
- Wipe mirrors and glass fixtures
- Dust and wipe reachable surfaces
- Remove cobwebs
- Take out trash
- Clean floors
What is NOT included?
- Deep Cleaning
- Move Out Cleaning
- Cleaning inside cabinets
- Cleaning inside of large appliances
- Interior walls / doors / windows
Keep in mind the additional services are time consuming and require additional resources. We charge for the additional services at an affordable price.