Cancellation Policy

Last updated May 16, 2021
What if I need to cancel or reschedule a cleaning?
We understand your life is busy and plans can change. If a scheduling change is needed, call our office at (425) 615-6302 at least 2 business days before your scheduled cleaning date to avoid a “Late Cancellation” fee equal to $50, charged to your card on file.
What if I forget to cancel or reschedule the cleaning or you are locked out of my home on the day of the cleaning?
Unfortunately, if we are not given adequate notice for canceling a scheduled cleaning or are unable to gain access to your home, a “Lock Out” fee equal to $50 is charged to your card on file. Late cancellation and lockout fees are necessary because we consider a scheduled visit to be a reservation for your service. We do not over-book our schedule because we believe every client deserves a reliable, high quality service. As a result, we require 2 business days’ notice to cancel a scheduled cleaning and avoid late cancellation fees.